USPS targets small businesses’ direct mail initiatives

The United States Postal Service’s troubles have caused them to propose a variety of changes, including increased postage rates and no Saturday service. However, the federal agency may now be targeting small businesses and direct mail campaigns to help them boost business.

According to Post & Parcel, the USPS will send postmasters nationwide to advertise a new simplified printing and mailing service for small businesses. The events, called “Grow Your Business” days, educates companies on the agency’s offerings.

For example, as part of the initiative, the USPS will be waiving permits and mailing fees and simplifying mailing list requirements. So far, in just the first few days, approximately 500 companies have signed up for the program.

“We’re getting very, very good stories from businesses across the country, that this is fitting with exactly what they are looking for,” David Mastervich, manager of catalogs, periodicals and saturation mail for USPS, told the source.

“They’ll be small mailings, but I think there will be a lot of them,” he added.