Custom Printed Cigar Wraps
Corcoran Printing is an expert printer of custom cigar band rings, cigar labels, cigar wrappers and cigar bands.
Our professional printing, foil stamp and die cut services will provide you with superior quality for all of your corporate cigar label needs. Present your cigar in style to customers with a cigar wrap printed by Corcoran Printing, the premier printer for cigar manufacturers across the country. Call to speak to a cigar band designer and cigar label print expert at Corcoran Printing today.
A premiere cigar band printer on the east coast
A cigar brand’s label should reflect the unique character and style of the cigar.
With our extensive commercial cigar ring print capabilities, we can help you showcase your cigar brand with distinct style. Corcoran Printing can print the most intricate designs, resulting in eye-catching and professional looking gold foil printed and embossed cigar band rings. Corcoran Printing offers full color, embossed, gold foil, color foil and die cut print services for all of your private label cigar needs.
We print the highest quality cigar wrappers using state-of-the-art print technology. Recognized as a leader in commercial print services, our custom cigar label finishes include cigar ring foil stamping, cigar band embossing and cigar label die cutting. We can provide you with label templates or customize a die to your unique printed cigar ring needs. Our design experts can help you design a label or we can take your design and use it to produce the highest quality cigar band to help highlight your product.
80 years of packaging and label printing expertise
- Printed commercial cigar bands
- Printed cigar labels
- Cigar band design
- Foiled & embossed cigar wraps
- Foiled cigar rings
- Private label cigar bands
- Embossed cigar band rings
- Printed bands
- Tobacco label printing
- Packaging and label printing for all industries
The rich luxury of foil printing will give your cigars a style all their own. Hot foil stamping cigar rings is the application of metallic foil to paper utilizing a heated die. The end result provides an exclusive look that will help your high-end cigar brand stand out from the competition. Foils come in gold foil, silver foil, or a variety of other foil colors. Finishes can include matte, glossy, metallic, holographic or other special effect foils. Corcoran Printing also offers cigar band embossing, which will create an elegant three-dimensional quality to your cigar label. Embossing the cigar ring involves pressing an image through the back of the paper. It’s an even more elegant dimension to your cigar label.