QR codes are wave of the future

The world of printed material is changing as rapidly as almost any industry these days. What used to be reserved for the physical world is now being leveraged with digital technology to increase consumer engagement.

At the forefront of this effort is the implementation of quick response (QR) codes. The barcode graphics can be put onto almost any printed material and enable users scan in the codes and follow it to a digital platform. One of the companies at the forefront of this trend is SCVNGR, which allows users to pay for items by phone and send them a unique QR code. Some merchants are also using it as a way to reward customers by tracking what they've purchased in the past.

"Roughly 500 merchants in Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco and New York have agreed to accept LevelUp payments and will be using a provided terminal, running Android software, for scanning codes," Mashable reports. "Merchants can use LevelUp to offer customers financial incentives in the form of credits; credits are automatically redeemed by the customer when he or she spends a designated amount of money."