High quality printed cigar bands with an artistic and intricate design are a cigar band collectors dream. Cigar wraps have evolved over time, but they still hold a certain mystique to those who truly appreciate the artistic beauty and individuality of them. The collection of custom cigar rings was once all the rage and a great passion of those who truly appreciate them. According to Cigar Aficionado, American collector Joe Hruby gathered more than 216,000 cigar bands in his 70 years of collecting. In fact, Wikipedia mentions that before his collection was complete, Hruby was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for having compiled over 165,000 distinct varieties of bands. When cigar-band collection was at its peak, some cigar companies actually gave away complete sets of bands to collectors. Another offered products in exchange for bands.
When competition in cigar manufacturing declined and less bands were produced, interest in collection in the U.S. began to drop. It remains a popular hobby in Europe today. With the print of more unique cigar wraps, this trend can easily make a come back in the U.S. After all, custom cut cigar rings that are gold foil printed and embossed can be seen as works of art. Just imaging if a new trend in cigar band collection started with a custom printed cigar ring for your brand. If cigar smokers took the time to really marvel at the work of art wrapped around your cigar. What if it was a true representation of your quality and prestige? With the right luxury cigar wrap printer, it can be.
The history of the cigar band
Legend has it that cigar wraps date back to the 18th century to the days of Russian Empress, Catherine the Great. Tales say she insisted her cigars be wrapped in silk, so the tobacco would not stain her delicate fingers. Myth goes on to say that some of her followers at the time began to wrap their cigars in fabric to imitate their queen. This tale may or may not be true.
Dutch cigarmaker Gustove Bock, an immigrant to Cuba, is actually credited with the invention of the traditional cigar band in the 1980s. He ordered paper rings with his signature placed on them put on every cigar intended for expert to Europe. The trend caught on, and by the 1850s, Cuban cigarmakers where branding their products with cigar rings as well. It is written they were registering their cigar bands with the government and advising consumers to insist on banded cigars.
Brands began to represent their cigars as regal and prestigious with designs of crests, special seals and other unique and regal representations. Some bands made in the early 1900s where supposedly printed with real gold gilt. Today, printed cigar bands continue to represent a specific brand or cigar company. Some tell the specific type of cigar as well. They have continued to be an interesting and artistic way to market and brand a cigar.
Will your cigar be judged by its cover?
There’s a good possibility your cigar may be judged by that cigar wrap that fits so perfectly around it. It communicates the authenticity of your cigar, but does it truly reflect the fine quality and luxury of your cigar brand? A foil stamped luxury cigar band is essential to enhancing the presentation of your product. Of course the flavor and aroma of a cigar is most important, but in cigar product packaging and presentation, looks do matter. Cigar wraps are a key part of the overall premium cigar experience.
At Corcoran Printing cigar band printers we make use of specialized print techniques to produce the sophisticated cigar rings your product deserves. This includes expert cigar band die cutting, custom printed cigar wraps, embossed cigar bands and gold-foiled cigar bands. Our printed cigar bands are custom cut to fit the specific shape of your cigar. We offer high quality luxury cigar band print for the tobacco industry. Learn more about our foil stamped cigar bands and printed cigar wraps on the Corcoran Printing website. Read our blog article Five reasons your product packaging may be limiting your sales or more about enhancing your cigar packaging with Foil Stamping.
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