The early bird gets the worm. Similarly, early printed calendars capture the most attention. Printed promotional calendars are still found in nearly every home and business. The earlier your branded calendar gets out to your customers and prospects, the better the chance of yours being the one most used. For instance, what’s the first thing people do when getting a new desk calendar or hanging wall calendar? They start to pencil in upcoming important dates and scheduled activities. If you’re like most, you’re jotting down meetings and appointments months in advance. That means by early fall, you’re already scheduling into the new year. You need that new calendar in front of you to be able to record those important dates. That’s why it’s so important to order printed branded calendars early for the new year. That means contact your calendar printer now.
Paper calendars are still popular in a digital age. Why? Because they offer a visual reminder front and center. Corcoran Printing can help you stay in front of your customers for a full year with a printed wall calendar or a printed desk calendar. In addition, we can customize a calendar to your specific brand and sizing requirements. We print calendars in every shape and size imaginable. There’s no better way to highlight your business, products and services than with a full color, custom printed calendar.
6 Reasons People Love Printed Calendars
- Visibility. Printed calendars can be kept where you need them and where they are most visible. For a desk calendar that means front and center every day as you work. It’s a great in-your-face reminder of your schedule for the day, week and month. Tracking family activities and appointments on a wall calendar is just as important. Wall calendars can usually be found in a prominent central location. In other words, a place where all family members can easily access them for a peak at upcoming schedules.
- Convenience. A printed calendar can help you keep everything in one place. For instance, all of your important dates and notes. Calendars also make for ease of scheduling when you’re on the phone. Especially with a printed desk calendar, it’s easy to jot down meetings and event dates as you are sitting right at your desk. No need to go in to your online calendar as you’re on a call or meeting with someone. There’s a paper calendar right in front of you.
- Space. There’s plenty of space on a custom printed calendar for jotting down important details of appointments and other scheduled events.
Important Reminders for Next Year. Flip through a printed wall calendar as soon as you get next years to transfer over important annual dates, such as birthdays and anniversaries.
- Can help limit your electronic notifications. Let’s face it. While we all love technology, sometimes those electronic notifications of an upcoming meeting or other appointment can get a bit annoying. You don’t have that annoyance with a printed calendar. They’re easy to check without the electronic annoyance.
- Beautiful Photos. Yes, some printed calendars can be much sought after because of their beautiful design and photography. We all have our favorites, whether it’s colorful nature shots, cute puppies and kittens, or dreamy vacation destinations. Printed calendars can even be personalized to a brand, showcasing professional photographs of products or other branded images. To sum it up, the more eye-catching your calendar design, the more use it will get.
Order Your Promotional Calendars Soon
Don’t miss the boat on getting your printed hanging calendars or printed desk calendars out to customers early this year. Remember, it’s one of the best marketing values around. What other printed marketing piece enables your brand to be in front of your clients every day? A printed calendar gives your brand 365 days of top of mind staying power. Get an early start on your calendar printing and get a jump on the competition. In conclusion, you want to get your custom printed branded calendars in their hands first to ensure yours is the calendar that gets used next year.
Read our blog Custom Printed Calendars Provide a Full Year of Affordable Advertising or learn more about Corcoran Printing’s calendar printing services on our website.
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