Most marketers not engaging local clients

According to one recent study, marketing professionals need to do more to engage with local audiences through strategic outreach efforts.

The study from the Chief Marketing Officer Council revealed that 12 percent of professionals surveyed thought that their firms had a good plan when it came to getting through to those in their communities. Nearly half of those surveyed said that their current local strategies were not performing in a satisfactory way.

“Today’s CMO is presented with a growing number of unique challenges and opportunities,” said Philip Alexander, President and CEO of BrandMuscle. “The proliferation of digital media is allowing national brands to connect one-on-one with consumers at a local level, but communicating the brand promise cost-effectively and in a timely manner at the micro-level remains a challenge.”

There are a variety of ways that businesses can better engage with their clients. One of the most time-tested strategies is to use direct mail marketing, which can send highly targeted messages to existing or potential clients.