Triggered marketing can prove to be explosive for small businesses

While printing and mailing campaigns have proven to be successful and highly lucrative ways to engage consumers across a variety of demographics, savvy marketers and small businesses are employing a new technique across channels to help “explode” marketing return on investment.

According to the website 1to1 media, owners should adopt triggered mail as a necessary part of their marketing strategies. But what is triggered mail? This technique follows a customer’s interactions with a company across all channels and then uses this data to create customized mailing responses.

While this may sound expensive and time consuming, the website attests that in the end it can actually dramatically reduce marketing funds that often go to waste.

“Triggered mail can help a business communicate with its customers on a one-to-one level based on each customer’s interests and needs. Loyalty is built from understanding customers, making sure that their experience is based on their individual needs and interests, and building on that loyalty with relevant interactions,” 1to1 media explains.

A recent report from Brand Science backs up this strategy with hard numbers, finding that combining direct mail initiatives with other marketing activities can increase ROI by up to 20 percent, Royal Mail reports.