Direct mail targets the right customers

While some have moved to a strictly digital platform for their marketing efforts, many companies have found that traditional forms of outreach are still the most effective way to increase a customer base.

A recent blog post from the Marketing Pilgrim Writers’ Garage says that though direct mail has been around for many years, its a good idea for business owners to implement the strategy, targeting the demographic of their choice.

“Many direct mail companies allow clients to customize their campaigns around specific demographic groups, choosing from age, income, neighborhood or other attributes to narrow the list down to those who would be most interested in their products or services,” the site suggests.

The blog goes onto say that marketers can also use the printed materials in conjunction with online efforts by posting a Twitter and Facebook account.

While it may seem that more people than ever are going online for information, there is still something to be said for receiving a piece of mail you can hold in your hand.