Paypal to introduce new payment method, incorporating QR codes

One of the largest online payment companies in the world recently made headlines after it announced it would be rolling out a new payment method that leverages QR codes on printed materials.

In a blog post, PayPal, which is owned by eBay, stated that it would be rolling out a new system that allows customers to use their smartphone devices to both scan and pay for items equipped with barcodes.  

"PayPal will allow local businesses to accept PayPal payments from customers via their mobile device using scanning technology, and QR codes," TechCruch reports. "eBay CEO John Donahoe referred to an in-store PayPal experience earlier this year. You’ll also be able to use PayPal in physical payments gateways at stores as well (where you would normally complete the credit card swiping process)."

While many companies have taken advantage of the emerging technology, some experts warn about the potential dangers the QR codes could pose. In a recent blog post for The Nosiecast, Chris Ness writes that businesses were under the threat of having people place "a malicious QR code on top of the intended one."