Custom Cigar Bands
Custom Printed Cigar Bands are a Corcoran Printing Specialty
Custom cigar bands are an important part of the overall cigar experience. Branded cigar bands can help to showcase the excellence and individuality of your product. In need of design help? Our graphics team can work closely with you to design a custom cigar brand. Die cut cigar brands can be customized to your exact specification. Our cigar band print experts ensure a superior product that is tailored to your precise cigar packaging needs.
Branded Foil Stamped Cigar Bands
A cigar brand’s label should reflect the unique character and style of the cigar.
A foil and embossed cigar band screams luxury and gets your brand the awareness it needs. A quality foil cigar band is an ideal way to impress cigar connoisseurs with attention to every detail. At Corcoran Printing, we provide custom print services for all of your printed cigar band needs. This includes one color cigar bands, full color custom cigar bands or foil stamped cigar bands. Contact our custom cigar brand print team today.
80 years of packaging and label printing expertise
- Printed commercial cigar bands
- Printed cigar labels
- Cigar band design
- Foiled & embossed cigar wraps
- Foiled cigar rings
- Private label cigar bands
- Embossed cigar band rings
- Printed bands
- Tobacco label printing
- Packaging and label printing for all industries
The rich luxury of foil printing will give your cigars a style all their own. Hot foil stamping cigar rings is the application of metallic foil to paper utilizing a heated die. The end result provides an exclusive look that will help your high-end cigar brand stand out from the competition. Foils come in gold foil, silver foil, or a variety of other foil colors. Finishes can include matte, glossy, metallic, holographic or other special effect foils. Corcoran Printing also offers cigar band embossing, which will create an elegant three-dimensional quality to your cigar label. Embossing the cigar ring involves pressing an image through the back of the paper. It’s an even more elegant dimension to your cigar label.